"The best journeys answer questions that in the beginning you didn't even think to ask." - Jeff Johnson

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tiger Temple

With the news from Koh Ra that we will no longer be able to caretake, we had to set sail to the world of the internet in search of our next adventure. Always looking for something that will set this trip apart from all others, the unique opportunities are the ones that grab our attention. 

Tiger Temple.

It is a Buddhist Temple located western Thailand in the Kanchanaburi province which is a few miles from the Burma/Thailand border. Burma being know for the tiger hunting way back in the day, this is a place set up for conservation. There has been much dispute on whether the temple institutes humane practices or not. After much research on the net, it was hard to get a full grasp on whether or not this place is legit. There are activists out there that pretty much crucify the place saying that is a tiger concentration camp, but then on the other hand volunteers saying that the place was magical.

I personally have issues with zoos, and keeping animals from there natural habitat, but I feel that these monks are trying their best and reaching out to people to come help educate on the areas where they fail. They are monks for christ sake. The only way for us to get a complete conclusion on this place would be to stay and volunteer there.

The volunteer process requires a month long stay, that will involve working with the tigers one on one as well as being the tour guide of the temple. Food and housing are the exchange for our services, but with it being a Buddhist temple, I can have to physical interaction with Keri, no touching, no physical affection towards one another, as well as separate sleeping quarters; which I must say the guys have a much more luxurious quarter than the ladies.

Canon EOS 30D Digital SLR

The end to 2010 was a memorable one for me. An amazing year filled with all sorts of goodies. We finally purchased our tickets to Asia, we volunteered on an amazing farm for the summer, did some superb rock climbing, made some new friends; the year seemed to be one of the best on record. To top off the end of the year the "Goodwill God's" gifted me with a new camera.

For a whopping $150 the Canon EOS 30D Digital SLR was in my hands..The only down fall was that no lens was present, with a quick search on the net I found myself with a 18-55 mm for $90.

What a great way to end the year, and a great treat for the trip